Version 1.0: Initial Release
Version 1.1: Removed the Shoot again option in the Godzilla arc
Version 1.2: Fixed a lot of deaths leading to the wrong page/not having the retry/last decision options
Edited a few options in eating's favor.
A sequel to the hit text-adventure game, now with the absolute insainity amped up to 12345678900987654321! You read a magazine about the events at Whatever Island and remember them. And then the agency who ordered you to go to Whatever Island has a new thing for ya.... Go to the Idontcare Desert, and examine a dimensional anomaly there! The circumstances are different, the protaganist is a person, the genre is different, and the stakes are higher!
Game made by ReckyDaGuy. All rights go to their respective owners.
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Written by ReckyDaGuy
Plays 1503
Downloads 1444 Download file
Written for Quest 5.5
Published 11 Aug 2014
Updated 12 Aug 2014