The scientist murder by bbbeeelllooo

A murder mystery. Can you find out who murdered Professor Hinser? You are the only one who can unravel the story of his death.

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Review by BeggerStager
05 Oct 2015
I wanted to talk to the computer scientist but instead I talked to the fashion director.

I went to talk to the others and it made me accuse one of the family members. "You know who it is." I actually, don't. I didn't even get to question my family.

There was a good introduction though.

Review by Murph
05 Oct 2015
This is not a game. It is a joke and an insult to if. So obvious. So short. So badly written. 1 clue and you solve the case. Terrible

Review by MisterPibb316
17 May 2015
Largely trial and error. The descriptions of the various suspects are choppy and unimaginative, and there is still one particularly large error (I tried talking to the designer, and the game had me talk to the computer scientist instead.)

Review by DaBeast
13 Mar 2015
agreed with everyone

Review by nataliya
13 Mar 2015
wow it took me like 10 tries good job

Review by Liaxzzy
13 Mar 2015
Very fun game. I like the realism in the chase, although there were just a few errors in later accusations and interactions.

Review by KeithFloyd9
13 Mar 2015
Amazing Game
Very FUN and Hard

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 03 Mar 2015
Updated 10 Jun 2015





