The Castle of Vourtram - Javascript QuestJS Version by Alexandre Torres

The Kingdom of Gwalinad is in its last days of existence. The evil wizard Vourtram, aided by an army of demoniac creatures, razed most of the old cities, spreading terror everywhere. When the capital Linwynne fell, the loyal forces of the old King fled to the hidden city of Chuma Huppic, an old stronghold defended by a magical maze that prevents enemy forces from entering. However, Princess Grardobeth was captured, and many died in the hands of the evil wizard. The princess is kept as a hostage in the high tower of the Castle of Vourtram. Vourtram demands a marriage with the princess followed by the King's abdication, thus making him the new King over Gwalinad.

You are the hero, an orphan born under the sign of the Phoenix who, according to the prophecies, is destined to defeat Vourtram and his evil forces. Pick your class between warrior, wizard, and thief, each with an exclusive path to solve the puzzles. The warrior has easier puzzles, but requires some luck; wizards and thieves only require brains. It is up to you to first develop your skills as a hero, and afterwards depart in the quest to rescue the princess and destroy the evil of ... The Castle of Vourtram.

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