The Adventures of Pelican Island by beans1996

This game is about the adventures of a boy from the city named Alex. Alex wakes up on a strange Island called Pelican Island. This is a completely new experience for Alex because he is from the city and that is all he is used to.When he first wakes up on Pelican Island he does not know what to do and there is no one around as far as he can see. As Alex searches the island, he meets a girl by the name Michelle. Michelle is from a near by island, but has not been able to find her way back home since her village was raided three years ago. The two of them get to know each other and Michelle shows Alex around the Island. She shows Alex were to hunt, how to fish, how to row, and helps him get adjusted to life on the Island. The above activities are all ways to earn experience points (XP) and these points give your avatar energy, gives them special abilities, and keeps them in a good mood. Once, you make it so far in the game, you have the option to control either Alex or Michelle. There are also animals on Pelican Island and you can interact with these animals, this is another way to earn XP. WATCH OUT ! You must be careful, because you do not want to interact with the wrong creatures, some of these animals are out to attack you. You can collect prizes (resources, food, medicine, maps, games etc), fight wild animals, talk to birds, display your ability to avoid and climb through obstacles. For more details, you will have to explore the island yourself. ENTER THE WORLD OF PELICAN ISLAND !!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 02 Dec 2016





