WindedLizard: A Nursery Tale by D1NKLEBURG

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
Only now have the very planets aligned to make form for The Gathering. The span of 36 hours that only arises once every thousand thousand millenniums. Legends have foretold of such an event, soon to take place after the second son rises on Wernsman Prime's sister planet, Anal Fissures. The setting is the swamplands of Wernsman Prime where a young boy has been born to an honest landscaper, Denny, and the best cook in the entire system, Joe's Mom. This boy has been the topic on all the citizen's tongue in the nearest town, Gary's. You see, a prophecy foretold the coming of such a boy. "Fates foreseen that Joe will cum, on the air the night will run. Emerge to this world from the lizard blood, a storm will rage to warn you've come. And to the pile this boy must flee, to the gayest of piles to be drowned in pee.". Legends are a funny thing, long has this children's tale been the bedtime story of babes but no one ever dreamed they'd shop at the same Motomart as the Faal Ven Siiganis, translated from lizard tongue meaning....The Winded Lizard.........

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Added 14 Jul 2014





