Bones in the Ocean by wintersnowing

You didn't want this death. In fact, you almost certainly don't even deserve it. But this is the Magnus of the Seas, and it's the crew that matters here.

(WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This story is set from the perspective of one of the Magnus's victims, and every pathway aside from one ultimately ends in the PC's death. Please do not play if you're not in the mood for dying.

General trigger warnings include body horror, psychological horror, death, and many of the things in between! Specific trigger warnings are included in the game. More may be added on request.

Song title taken from Bones in the Ocean by The Longest Johns!)

Dorian Harris, Captain (and Vast avatar)
Clarence Bateman, Head of Security (and Buried avatar)
Clancy Blake, Quartermaster (and Dark avatar)
Hezekiah Hill, Pilot (and Web avatar)
Kailani Amara, Boatswain and Customer Support (and End avatar)
Jack Huntley, Expenses Manager and Customer Support (and Hunt avatar)
Augustin Choudhary, Security Officer and Head of Surveillance (and Eye avatar)
Joshua Galen, Ship Doctor (and Corruption avatar)
Henrique Thiago, Security Officer (and Desolation avatar)
Chef Viande, Head Cook (and Flesh avatar)
Alexander Chantelle, Deckhand and Entertainment (and Slaughter avatar)
Zachariah Gall, Deckhand, Entertainment and Repairs (and Stranger avatar)
Micah Lukas, Deckhand (and Lonely avatar)
Eli Whitbeck, Deckhand (and Spiral avatar)
Providence, Ship Cat (and... an avatar?)

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Oct 2020





