Warrior Cats Explore [Incomplete] by Softfeather_skyclan

Suggested for those who read the Warriors cats books series so that you understand what is going on. If you have not read any of the book, it’s okay! Here is just a brief description of how things work in the books.
Basic Information:
Every cat’ name is unique. For kittens, they have a suffix, kit— for example, Leafkit. For apprentices, they have a suffix paw, example, Leafpaw. For warriors, the leaders choose the suffix for them that they have for the rest of their lives unless they become leader. So for warriors, example is Leafdapple or Leafshine or Leafclaw etc. If you are leader, you receive nine lives from StarClan from the Moonstone or Moonpool and you get the suffix star. So again, example is Leafstar.
Okay, so basically StarClan is the Clans’ ancestors, the dead cats. StarClan will be remaining the same in this game (copyright), but for the others I will create fictional ones. And another thing: you can retire to become an elder whenever you feel like you are old enough or you get a serious injury that is permanent.
If you want to be a medicine cat, you cannot have a mate or kits. You also cannot fight, but yes you can hunt if you are done with your duties. Medicine cats spend their lives caring for every one of their Clanmates. They collect herbs to heal cats. They are allowed to cross into another Clan’s borders if they need herbs or are helping another Clan. In the real books, there are a total of five living Clans.
There is also a warrior code. You can read up by yourself. Just search google ‘warrior cats warrior code’ and you get it. This game is fan fiction. Anything that is similar real life events are completely coincidental. And yes, this is subject to copyright. (This is the first game I made and a lot of time is put into it, so please just have fun!) : ) Also, this is just for you to explore the territory, not a real adventure game thing. Yeah, just warning.

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Added 14 May 2023





