The LGBTQ+ Experience In America: Epidemic by MolliPop

For my US History class, we were asked to make a project about a certain aspect of American history. I chose the evolution of the LGBTQ+ experience in America. I come into writing and researching this from the perspective of a white lesbian in a fairly privileged home where I live without fear of being discriminated against in my own house. With this in mind, I tried to capture the experience of people from many backgrounds, ethnicities, sexualities, and gender identities. I have tried to be as accurate and respectful as possible while also keeping the game accurate and educational. Anything here that seems to be offensive or from a place of hate was unintentional and there was no ill will intended by this game. There will be slurs used against the LGBTQ+ community in this game to simulate the reality of those living through these times in history I've captured. I will also use the word “Queer”, but I mean no offense using this. I use it as a reclaimed word rather than a slur. Please proceed with this in mind and for those unfamiliar with the LGBTQ+ experience, approach this with respect and an open mind. Thank you and enjoy my game. This is one chapter of a five chapter series.

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Added 18 May 2018





