Dis-arm the Bomb by Whitetiger

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing descriptions

Every object in a game should have a meaningful description. When a game doesn't have object descriptions, it is a sign that the game has been rushed, and it will not be interesting to play.
There is a bomb strapped to your arm. You have been drugged, kidnapped, and locked in a dark basement. Groggy and disoriented, you awaken to discover a device locked around your forearm. The hollow voice of your deranged captor echoes through the cold concrete. If you tamper with the bomb, he explains, it will explode. If you attempt to escape, it will explode. If you refuse to play the game, it will explode. What is the game? The game is simple: disarm the bomb, or disarm yourself. Either find the hidden items needed to diffuse the bomb or use the table saw to cut it off. The choice is yours, but you better hurry. The clock is already ticking...

Dis-arm the Bomb is a pulse-pounding horror/procedural text adventure game in which players must either move around an area and find hidden objects necessary to disarm a ticking time bomb or they may cut off their arm to save their life. Time is limited. If the player doesn't complete the tasks in ten minutes, or if they use the wrong item to disarm the bomb, it will detonate. Good luck.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 07 Mar 2022
Updated 07 Mar 2022





