Welcome to Ponyville by Klondikekun

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I'm going to make an ascii version of it some time later.

Game in the works about a pony (you) moving into Ponyville from harse conditions.

Walkthrough for Chapter 1: Finish the introduction and rest on your futon. Then talk to Periwinkle, make your way north (by going east or west) to Sugarcube Corner in the Market District. Go back to where you started and talk to Mayor Mare. Walk back to the Market District and go northwest. Meet Twilight, go visit Pinkie, leave to meet Rainbow Dash. Go to Carousel Boutique southeast from the east district, west to Sweet Apple Acres, back to the east district, northeast to the bridge to the forest, northeast again to Meet Fluttershy. Return home and start the next day.

Things you can do from what I remember:
Cheerilee's first quest
Meeting Zecora
Saving Spike
Working for Applejack
Meeting Big Mac
Meeting Celestia
Meeting Luna
Eating lunch with Celestia (after meeting Luna)
Working for Rarity
Meeting Lyra and BonBon

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Review by dontspeakroboto
17 Mar 2017
Amazing 10/10

Review by AK1112
01 Mar 2017

Review by DJStarX15
16 Nov 2016
Very well done I do hope you continue the story and improve upon the things that needs improvement.

Review by Coorooo1-1
10 Jul 2016
Nicely done my friend. I do hope you continue the story and improve upon the things that needs improvement.

Review by Star396
07 Jul 2016
This is wonderful! It's so fun to play, and it's just so charmimg in my opinion. I can't wait for the next update!

Review by Istarian
14 Sep 2015
I tried it. It's not bad, although it feels a little bland and could use some more character. If you can, you should try to be a bit more detailed in your descriptions of locations. They are kinda boring and aren't really good at conveying which direction things are (or at least where I might want to head). It's utterly unclear how to get to Sugarcube Corner and while exploration is a good thing, wandering around blindly because I have no idea where I am going isn't really any fun. It would also be nice if the conversations could be made a little less perfunctory. I.e. the conversations are used solely as plot forces. One other thing is the interaction of the mane six with the character. Rather than each of the six saying something, you should use some of the character generation stuff (in some fashion) to decide which of the characters interacts with you (hopefully at least one) and maybe a brief conversation that may result into talking to one of the others. As is it feels unrealistic and a bit overdone.

Please improve the spelling and grammar! :) The formatting could use some work too... This sort of thing means a lot to the quality/enjoyment of a text game. An significant improvement in this department

I would give this a 4/10. A five point scale isn't adequate since this better than poor and technically okay, but it's still a bit of a ways from good. Improving the stuff I've described (and the spelling/grammar/formatting) would probably bring it to a 6/7 out of 10 in my estimation.

Review by Cloud Dash
19 Aug 2015
This is a really good text adventure, minus all the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Review by CommanderBuizel
07 Aug 2015
Truthfully, my rating is more likely 4.7/5, but the site does not allow me to go as much into detail. The game itself is amazing and I love playing it; I enjoy getting into the world and everything feels very nice and well put together.
All around my opinion is positive but my reason for writing this now is actually the straw that broke the camel's back that kept it from being fantastic; the game just has general problems here and there that are mostly small but weigh on me. The grammar isn't atrocious but it has it's faults, and I wouldn't mind ponies having a bit more to say, or even some ponies only having quests on certain days. Perhaps that's remidied farther into the game, but from where I am it isn't. What truly bothered me though is that there was an entire event (one that I was actually excited for) because my game would spontaneously end the day it began.
I was pumped and ready for the Wonderbolts event, but the moment I woke up, I'm told my game is over.

Review by pinkydash
05 Aug 2015
But bummer map no work I can't wait for updates I love that you can go to other cities and all dat junk awesome hame

Review by CraftyKat
22 Jul 2015
I got stuck partway through, and I just kind of clicked around a lot to get where I wanted to go. Anywho..

HOW DID YOU DO THIS?? I wish I could do things like you do. Really. Wow. Bravo!

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Written for Quest 4.1
Published 30 Oct 2011
Updated 09 Oct 2017

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