Imperial v.0.2.3 by Sherlocho

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Warning! This game contains several scenes of consensual and non-consensual sex between humans, humanoids, animals, and monsters, including instances of slavery, racial violence and other subjects that you may find disturbing. If this is not to your liking, don't play the game. If you aren't of legal age to enjoy pornographic material or if it is otherwise illegal for you to do so, don't play the game. This is a work of fiction for the purposes of masturbatory fantasy only. All characters and events are completely fictional, any likenesses to actual people or events are purely coincidental.

All characters are at least 18 years of age (or the equivalent for non-humans) and the author does not condone, excuse, or make light of rape or other traumatic events. Always practice safe and consensual sex with clear boundaries. All events portrayed in this game are completely unrealistic and the author does not attempt to simulate the effects of extremely serious events. If you can't tell fantasy apart from reality, don't play this game.

Imperial is an erotic text-based interactive story/role-playing game. The game is still under development by myself in my spare time and as such, I'll be adding new scenes and features as I finish them. As English is not my first language, I greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, and requests not only regarding bugs and features but also the writing in general. I try my very best to write at least b-grade smut but if you find any strange phrases or grammar/spelling mistakes, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message and I'll take care of it ASAP. Nothing ruins a story quite like lack of attention.

Please note that this game is built to be played with the mouse (except for occasional keyboard input). The command bar is there and you can technically play it by typing in commands but that is not the focus and you won't find anything special by doing so.

The game is set in a fictional gaslamp fantasy world dominated by a vast human empire utilizing a vaguely Victorian level of technology with magic and monsters mixed in. My plan is to eventually feature several different characters with differences in story and gameplay but as of now, only one character is available. Gameplay mainly consists of exploring areas and encountering a variety of random events. Most events have several branches that (usually) end in a sexual encounter or open up opportunities for future encounters.

While there is combat, all encounters are either predetermined to end in a certain way or randomly decided based on an internal attribute which the player can influence by finding certain objects or completing encounters. As such, there are no levels to be gained, no perks to be selected and no magical axes to be looted. Losing a combat encounter usually just results in a different scene than if you'd won it or surrendered without a fight as opposed to causing your death. There are a few "bad ends" which result in a game over but I aim to make these a clear result of your choices as opposed to accidentally walking into the wrong trap.

Aside from the random one-off and repeatable events, the player can embark on quests if they meet the requirements. Quests take the form of a chain of encounters and usually result in the player being captured, enslaved or otherwise removed from their normal daily routine until they can find a way to return home. Completing a quest comes with its own rewards, either in the form of money and equipment or attribute bonuses which increase your power.

Truncated Update notes for v.0.2.3 (full patch notes can be found at )
Changes in this version

General gameplay

Added one new scene that can be encountered while patrolling the north.
Fixed two bugs that could make it hard to find all the scenes when patrolling.
Changes some scenes from repeatable to one-off.


Added three new scenes that unlock after encountering the molester while traveling between quarters.
Rewrote all scenes with Cinnah and Thomen as well as the one scene with the molester.
Added one new scene that can be randomly encountered when entering Lonnbo’s.
Changed Cinnah’s and Thomen’s initial encounters to trigger through normal gameplay instead of requiring players to specifically search them out.

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Review by Ziggy
19 Aug 2016
Really good, keep up the good work!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 31 Mar 2016
Updated 20 Nov 2017





