The Grand Pyramid of Egyptos by wynnmercere

Welcome to the City of the Gods. One day, all the gods known in story and song quietly left the Earth. In a rare spirit of cooperation, the gods created a new dimension, setting up domains that mirrored their peak achievements of glory and creation. They even took many of their favored mortals along with them. That is how you came to reside in the central City of the Gods, a place of mystery and wonder.

Today the City is abuzz with talk of an unprecedented event: the opening of the ground level of the Grand Pyramid of Egyptos for public tours. Rumors abound about why the gods of Egypt are willing to allow entry to everyone. Some say the invitation is a trap. Others wonder if the gods of Egyptos are seeking someone tagged in a prophecy. Or perhaps the event is meant to distract the populace from some other affair in the endless competition for power between the many pantheons. There are as many theories as there are blocks in the pyramid.

But you have always been intensely curious about what lies beyond the heavily guarded doors of the Grand Pyramid of Egyptos. Will you enter and find out? Or will you play it safe and stay away in case one of those rumors carries the truth? The choice is yours!

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Review by Tenh-Mer
10 Jul 2016
Loved this small adventure game set in the grand pyramid of egyptos. many different choices and several different endings. I read all of wynn mercer and scott vernon City of the Gods books and this was just an extra treat to those beautiful stories. If you haven't please check out their first book City of the gods Forgotten! mesmerizing tale set in the city of the gods, place the gods built for themselves after they left earth and all mankind. peaceful until a strange statue and a horrible beast have strangely invaded it. why? how did the get their? what is the statues secret? find out! CAPTIVATING story could not put it down!!!!!!

would love to see more games like this :)

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