Girl Meets Boy: A Love Story between a Girl and her Eating Disorder by CelticTampon

This story is based on many stories from many girls. It is a collection of thoughts and feelings that effect everyone who has suffered from an eating disorder. It is not a sad story, but a story about struggle. There is no end, because recovery has no end, it is a beginning.

Please note, that eating disorders affect everyone; boys, girls, young, old, any race, any color, any height, any size. You do not have to be a certain size to justify your eating disorder, if you have one you have one and you need help. Please reach out for help, you have a problem and need it.

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Review by adthfb c
06 Jul 2019
eh it's just not good

Review by JaimeT93
29 Apr 2016
This is a very interesting story, one that's unfortunately very common. The problems I have with it are:
1) the fact that it only covers one type of eating disorder. I think it would be more interesting if your choices affected the disorder you have. For example, have a binge/purge option as well as a lose weight option.
2) how the character seems more obsessed with boys than with controlling their weight.

It was an alright game, but not one that I would recommend to anyone

Review by mr.texter
12 Aug 2014
I just don't like it at all.sorry but I feel no sympathy for the person I'm playing because I don't care if I'm skinny or and getting worked up about it aggravates me. But it is my opinion,and if I become infamous here that's fine.but overall,it was pretty good.

Review by ThatYoungGenius
17 Apr 2014
This is fantastic.

I love how at some spot there are multiple of the same choice, just to emphasize that there is nothing else left to do.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 13 Apr 2014

