You, an ordinary person, just moved into a strange cottage in the middle of a strange forest with black trees, blue flowers, and weird animals that all glow at night. As you start cleaning, you notice that the room is glowing. You just go to sleep, hoping to settle in.........
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This was okay but it's definitely in the wrong category. There are links, you click them, if you don't click the right ones you die and have to start over. Or you don't die, you just picked a choice the author didn't like so the narrator makes a snarky comment and forces you to start over anyway, because they feel like it. That's not a 'simulation' at all. This should probably be in fantasy.
Also the author is seriously in love with the word 'suddenly'.
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Written by Emmy is awesome
Plays 2380
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 19 Mar 2014
Updated 26 Mar 2014