Operation: Sleepover by Justin Bailey

Operation: Sleepover is a game about a teenage boy who wants to take a peek at his sister's slumber party, but his plans change when her guardian faery decides to stop him. This game has mildly suggestive overtones, but there is nothing explicit in it.

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Review by cf22
04 Aug 2018
Bloody hell in a handbasket I hate the UI of this game. The words are not obvious, and I've used Open Sesame, Open Simsi, Simsi, Mountain and nothing works...in all honesty I want the game to do well, to see what it has to offer but if I can't get past the FIRST room what can I rate. If someone can explain what I'm doing wrong please let me know.

Review by Link6415
30 Mar 2014
This is a great game! If you thought it was "too hard" or "too long" then you need to calm down, and play breakfast adventure. Although use the "take off:" command when Amy wants you to deliver the trays didn't have any effect to the gameplay like it did with Dad. Hmm. Maybe Amy and her pals are just creeps.

Review by bonebeast
24 Aug 2013
Help I am stuck at the beginning advice plz

Review by Xetrius
23 Dec 2011
I didn't like it at all, not enough options

Review by etching
13 Feb 2011
So the magic word is "KNOCK" not "KNOCK ON DOOR" :(
So are the following items all red herrings in the game?
a flower girl dress, jewelry box, needle, yarn, a sweater, foil, markers, tape, cheese, Atari, a skirt, action figures, cigar.
Rather disappointing that the game ended once I entered the party :(

Review by Brandon Stevens
02 Jan 2008
good but i can't figure out what to do when the fairy turns you into a baby?

Review by Jack
08 Jun 2007
Ok this was a good game but it could have been a little bit more intresting for example fairy was spelt wrong and you could have been able to put your clothes in the washer or dryer and wash them or dry them you could have done something to get you into trouble like pouring the juice over mum or dad or breaking the television other than that 4 stars

Review by Emera
09 Nov 2005
Lol... Very funny. I loved the part where I thought I was dead in crawlspace, That scared me. ^^

Im still playing...

No bugs/errors found, its good...

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Written by
Justin Bailey

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Written for Quest 3.5
Published 04 Sep 2005

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