HEADERTALE by pinchanzo

Goin' back to Tangier
With some Jordans and a spear
Post-Christian shit
Post chicken or the egg addiction shit
Pass the sherm stick
Be the freak you wanna see
Just don't follow me
I'm on a journey to
The center of three
Grab your fucking chain and drag you through the bike lane
While everybody's like no
I got this pregnant snake
Stay surrounded by long hairs
A plethora of maniacs
And spiral stairs
Make your water break
In the apple store
Sink or swim, who fucking cares
Cut the birth cords
Press send
Yeah thick
Gaga can't handle this shit
Headed for the Sammy Davis wing
Throw up a black hole at the entrance of linens n things
On the way
Never call it a day
Visit Tesla's grave for the ninth time today
Still on the way
Bigger wigs
I'm in your area
I know the first three numbers
I'm in
When you come out
Your shit is gone
You'll catch a jpeg to the head
Über reach
You're an intern
On Wikileaks
Most loved therefore most hated
Come and knock on the door we've been waiting for you
Game changer
Reclusive aggressive
Yingin and yanging noided
Info warrior jack the hacker
The rolling stoner
Profit on disaster
My existence is a
Momentary lapse of reason
Got the DNA of gothic lemons
Shred it thirteen times
Out of eleven
Your bad ideas are the ATM
Shed my skin
Leave it for the homeless
To sleep it
Prodigal, fuck that nautical
Teachin' bitches how to swim
I'm in your area
I know the first three numbers
I'm in
(Teachin' bitches how to swim)
Now backstroke
Through your k-hole
Don't run
Ya might slip
The table's flipped now we got all the coconuts bitch
Burmese babies under each arm
Screamin' beautiful songs
The cray cray ultra contrarion
Havin' conversations
With your car alarm
When you come out
Your shit is gone
Soon your crew will be servin' sandwiches named after me
Vietnamese style fool, please
Front row at the mass games
Untraceable by name
You speak of us in certain circles you will be dethroned or detained
I'm in your area
I know the first three numbers
I'm in

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 05 Nov 2020
Updated 14 Nov 2021





