IpWeatherLib2 Example by Ip Man

Based on Pixie's WeatherLib.aslx, so all of Pixie's Documentation still stands. Find Pixie's Documentation and original library here https://github.com/ThePix/quest/wiki/Library:-Weather

Ip's upgrades:

Weather tab allows Inside rooms to receive the attribute:


This will allow players to see the weather outside from rooms that have a view.

Can call the weatherlook function:
This will do a more complex "look" at the current weather and return values for outside and "Windowed" rooms and also day/night descriptions.

**For this function to work without throwing odd errors, you need your all weatherrooms to have:
1. an alias, and these three added via the expanded weather tab:
a. "nightweatherdesc"
b. "look"
and "nightlook"

There is an integrated daytime/nighttime cycle which works with the moon cycles and weather elements objects so that you can interact with the appropriate weather and the interface changes to show the brightness/darkness of night.

You can activate the cycle by either:
enabaling daytime or nighttime turnscript
calling the function makeday or makenight
using the "cheat" command wakey or mimis

Weather you can interact with!

This library also includes separate objects with variations of weatherlook on them and variations of description scripts. You can customize the descriptions on the expanded weather room tab for even more detail.

Included objects are:
sky, clouds, rain, moon, stars, lightning, thunder, air, sun, wind, snow, sleet, hail, rainbow1.

You'll need to create the following:

The weather tab on the editor adds attributes which need to be read by your senses commands:

You'll need your senses commands to run script attributes on "this" object:
taste to run "tastedesc"
touch to run "touchdesc"
listen to run "listen"
smell to run "smell"

Moon Cycles:

If the moon is "present" in your weather room, you can set it's phase.
The full moon will be bright enough to light an outdoor room, and will have the lightest shade of grey at night.
The bood moon will also be bright enough to light the outdoor room, and will tint it slightly.
The Gibbus moon will have a weak light, and the outdoor room will be a darker background color.
A crescent moon will also have a weak light, and will be the darkest grey.
A New moon will make the background black, and the "room," when outside dark.

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Ip Man

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 28 Jun 2023
Updated 06 Jul 2023





