The Elder scrolls: Begining by vincentmario99

Oh no. i want to play one of those god awful elder scrolls games but i barely get 30fps for im poor and cant get a copy for the life of me. Well heres a text adventure to run at a good frame rate! p.s. the game is very slow and you need more fps please buy a computer and not a heap of plastic and tacky hardware. (IMPORTANT: when you get the elf say the key dose not work to get the pick. the stupid script refuses to work.) ask for part 2 sorry for being short this is my first game and im new to script

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Review by Marzipan
19 May 2015
'Oh no. i want to play one of those god awful elder scrolls games but i barely get 30fps for im poor and cant get a copy for the life of me.'

Yeah, um...another issue is that you want to write a text-based Elder Scrolls game but don't seem to have a good grasp on the whole 'writing' thing. Sorry man but this was just painful to try and get through. Even the title is misspelled.

I see you did put some effort in with the pictures and such but I'd much, much rather have coherent descriptions. And this is another one of those games that basically can't be solved without clicking on objects in the pane and seeing what verbs are attached. There's nothing at all in the text that would suggest that it's possible to reach through the cell bars, take the guard's sword from his scabbard without any objection on his part, and that he would then just obligingly stand there completely unresponsive for however long it takes the player to get around to stabbing him.

Review by vincentmario
19 May 2015
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