You enter the bar, with many questions on your mind. Questions like, "why did I walk into this bar" and, "why are there only three people inside", and no doubt, "the door is open right behind me, why don't I just walk outside?"
I can assure you that most if not all of these questions will go completely unanswered by the end of this game, but you will at least experience a game like no other! Quirky characters to "romance", fast-paced linear choice-selecting action and unique story-telling will leave you drooling for more!
So step into the bar, if you so choose.
-Update 1.1-
Made all endings visible before obtaining them.
Added ending guide.
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Written by Mister Nef Nef
Plays 992
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 13 May 2016
Updated 27 May 2016