TWD World by ncomplita

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Every object in a game should have a meaningful description. When a game doesn't have object descriptions, it is a sign that the game has been rushed, and it will not be interesting to play.
It is 2010 in Georgia and TWD (The Walking Dead) world is a place where zombies roam, survival is difficult to maintain control of and other living souls that are not allies of yours are almost as dangerous as the zombies themselves. In this world of danger, flesh eating cannibals walk around a majority of all the places you go. There are however ways to become practically invisible to the zombie and that way is to take a bedsheet, cut it into a cloak like shirt, seas a zombie, cut it open, take the guts and cover the cloak in the guts put it on and you can walk right passed them. This is because the zombies are used to their own scent and the guts have their scent on it and if you have their scent they think you are one of them. On the other hand, when it comes to other humans, it’s a little bit more difficult because humans need other supplies and if you have supplies you may get killed for your supplies unless you either A. kill them or B. convince them to come with you and blend your supplies and help one another. This is a completely possible action. Some humans are kind though and I recommend you be a nice person and don’t kill or harm other humans at all. They may be helpful.

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Added 22 Mar 2016





