You are Esme Friggleswick, a would-be-witch, who wishes to become Madam Ingra's new apprentice. However, to achieve this honour you will need to pass a test by stealing Zandor the Sorcerer's magical staff.
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I liked it, but I wish there was a map or somekind of directions so I could know were I am going. My problem with text adventure games is that I just walk around lost. I think you should add some directions to tell me were to go.
I wish you'd put a walkthrough somewhere. I finally gave up. I was stuck in a place and couldn't seem to leave or do anything else, and couldn't mix spells. I had a hard time without the walkthrough.
This game is really fun and amazing, but hard. You really have to try to know the right words to use, and there are some things you need to assume are in places, because it won't be told to you. In this manner, a walkthrough would have helped immensely.
This is one of my most favourite games yet! I have had minimal help from the comments this time around and am happy to see many more descriptions and hints. As others have said, it would be interesting to have more interactivity with the characters involving more than the basic quest. All in all, this is a well-written, fun game and I look forward to Craig's next work!
I have barly started and I love it. I think I might borrow your way of moving and so.
The only thing I don't really get is how to help the ghost-prince, I kind of just walked off on him.
Having read through what others say, I find I've got very little to add: fantastic settings, interesting characters, and a genuine reason for questing make this an intriguing storyline. As always, Craig's puzzles are challenging (Thanks, Sarah4 for setting me straight!) but once you get your head around it, the game's a lot of fun.
There are a few minor typos and plot bugs (like Madam Ingra being able to converse when she's supposed to be unconscious), but otherwise excellent, as usual. :)
An engrossing story with some fiendish (not to say sadistic -- see comments) puzzles and twists, including a nasty little sting in the tail just when you're starting to pat yourself on the back. I liked Esme Friggleswick very much -- she must surely be a friend of Tiffany Aching -- and it's interesting how playing as a female character subtly changes your approach (I won't say I never tried bashing people, but at least I tried other things first). It's amazing how much plot and puzzle Craig manages to cram into relatively few locations. I've very much enjoyed exploring the vast landscapes in some of his other games, but this one covers such a limited territory that I didn't even need to map it. This does not, emphatically, make the game any easier, however, and I'm sure I'd have failed without the help of expert adventurers Sarah and Ereth -- thank you both again, and thank you, Craig, for another brilliantly-conceived and executed quest. I look forward to the next one.
I'm new to this site and to games made in the Quest format, but The Witch's Apprentice is the third game I've completed (the first one was Alice and the Wishing Tree, followed by The Legend of Robin Hood, and both were played prior to registering).
I love big, sweeping IF with deep emotional reach, but it's always great to take breaks from those kinds of games by playing simpler works designed with amusement as their primary goal. The Witch's Apprentice is such a piece. All of the puzzles were logical, requiring only creative thinking, and the characters were colorful and diverse.
I only wish that it were possible to interact with them in ways that weren't just related to the main objective. I understand, however, that this might be a limitation of the engine (and as I said, I'm unfamiliar with Quest).
I also noticed a few typos here and there, but they're not so frequent that they would ruin the game for anyone. In the future, though, I recommend checking the prose for errors. It's always a good idea to make sure your writing is as polished as possible.
Average rating
Written by Craig Dutton
Plays 9765
Downloads 3513 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 10 Oct 2013
Updated 19 Dec 2013
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