Survival Island by onimike

(Please download and play with the offline quest engine for game to work. The Chrome browser has been tested and "works" not great but it does work. Keep in mind if the side bars freeze up try typing in a command to move or to take some thing, this I seen unfreezes it temporarily. I have some new scripting I'm implementing to try and fix this problem.)

Well its been quit some time and finally getting back at the game. Lost all coding before but have redone about everything here minus graphics(sounds and images). Should be a total change over with random gen rooms better crafting menus for all, set where certain items can only be crafted from crafting table. Also adding commands to do certain things like open crafting menu and more, alls left to add is campfire and traps until im about where I left. This will be for adventures who like to explore and use Quet awesome interface, think of 7 Days to Die (Without Zombies). Future holds multiple crafting stations like a forge and tanning rack, but will stick to fleshing out these main aspects first. Can't wait for you all to see the new changes and how much better every thing runs. Also I am starting a basic survival series on quest if interested pm me or comment below. See you soon!

Note to add for more recent changes, finally got animals back in, working on fishing. So far the crafting feels better, more commands(and more to go). Just a few more major details before this version is gone and I put new release up, which works so much better with no more freezes(Offline so far haven't tested online) oveall feels alot better now just need to finish so detailing to give you all something to read and not just rely on side editor.

Change Log:

Flint and Steel crafting made from flint and iron scrap from mining boulder.
Box Traps are now craftable, placeable and settable. Made from sicks and wood frame, frame must be in inventory; can be made from crafting table. Deer can be caught with this trap :)
Storage chest now craftable from plank menu Note multiple chest can be made in other rooms :) Very happy with this.
Optimized long scripts shortening them for better gameplay.
Cloth can be crafted from crafting table with plant fibers
Canvas can be crafted from cloth
Tent frame crafted from sticks
Tent is now craftable from canvas, rope and a tent frame; tent reduces exposer and can be picked up and moved.
Campfires now have better running system with some bonus graphics.
More descriptions and more look at features.

Next features to come:
Craftable cooking pot to cook meat.
Adding fruit and vegetation
More wildlife

Future plans:
Expanded area
More descriptions
Npc plans
Weapon deterioration along with repairs

Hopefully if this keeps working along at a steady pace, I can start working in the story little by little.

(Note this is demo purposes only to try and get feed back on bugs and other major issues. Also there are not a ton of descriptions as of yet but I will put in more the closer I get to working out the crafting mechanic and there is a small walk through to get a stone axe crafted to start with. I also recommend downloading it and playing through quest offline, online version is packed with bugs and a lot of functions don't work.)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 01 Aug 2014
Updated 08 Sep 2016





