** This game was designed by Dani Siller and presented by both Dani Siller and Bill Sunderland in their show, "Escape this Podcast". It has been adapted for interactive fiction game form by James Spaid, with support from DavyB, and published with permission. It is a representation of the adventure played by Lan Wei and Rose Still in "Escape this Podcast" Episode 8 - http://www.escapethispodcast.com/e/episode-8-toys-r-us-cape-ft-lan-wei-and-rose-still/ If you do not want that episode spoiled for you, please listen to Lan and Rose solve the game first, and then try it here for yourself! **
In a desperate search for that last minute-gift you found yourself in a tiny hole-in-the-wall toy shop late at night. The store may not have had what you wanted, but there is far more within it than meets the eye. You soon find yourself locked in, barely able to see through the dim lighting, and all alone... or are you? Did that toy just move? What's with the creepy sounds? It's time to discover if there truly is something sinister within The Toy Store.
"Drafty Places" (Intro and Outro Music)
"Street Chaos" (Other Music)
by Eric Matyas
Various Sound Effects from
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Written by James Spaid
Plays 1665
Downloads 1275 Download file
Written for Quest 5.8
Published 25 Dec 2018
Updated 16 Dec 2019