An MLG Adventure by ParableDood

UPDATE (2/11/16): The game has been made 20% cooler by making the game more hyper-realistic and adding a new Skeleton mini-adventure! Git gud and play the new version today!

You are a MLG noscoper on a quest to save the world from the skrubz who are out for revenge. They are developing a Illuminati Bomb to destroy the MLG noscopers, but they need Doritos and Mountain Dew to finish it. You are the last MLG noscoper with Doritos and Mountain Dew, so you must protect your stash from those skrubz.

Are u MLG enough to stop the skrubz and save the world?

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Review by KhanSoloa
26 Jan 2016
420/10 would blaze it again

Review by flysquirrel775
24 Jan 2016
Nice funny game with John Cena. This is something to play when you are bored or just want to laugh.

Review by Mace Windobama
23 Jan 2016
Words cannot explain my laughs

Review by andrewmets
22 Jan 2016
Very good, but could be a bit longer. Still i think it perfectly captures the essence of MLG noscopers

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 18 Jan 2016
Updated 12 Feb 2016

