*Clear Screen: Clears the screen.
*Wait #turns#: Allows you to wait for the specified number of turns.
*Toggle Debug: Enables debug mode.
*Add Gold #gold#: Adds gold to the player. Debug mode must be toggled on.
*Toggle npcdebug: Allows you to see the npcs' AI.
This is a WIP! I decided to upload a MVP so that I could quickly start collecting feedback for the project. So, if you have any ideas for the game please feel free to share!
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If you log in before playing, you'll be able to save your progress - which means you can come back later and pick up where you left off.
Looks promising, this is an actual generated world instead of using pseudo codes to create a pseudo world, everything in this world can be interacted with and everything in this world can be customized by the player as well, it is the strongest coding I have seen so far