Operation Santa's Slay: A TLSDZ/ PSG Christmas Special by SuperGuy

It is that time of year again folks, Christmas Time!!!!! And our eccentric group of UCPD officers, which include the lovely Demon Sisters Scanty and Kneesocks and the punk like Anarchy Angels Panty and Stocking!

The UCPD wants to get away from it all this Christmas, or in DeadZone Terms, Z-Mas so they went to Moscow on an old friend's invitation.

However, Con being the party pooper he is, he sends in a little surprise for his rivals along with his new hitman Tom and the HERC commandos he brought along with him.

Will the maniacal corporate dictator Con ruin Christmas for the Russians and the UCPD or will Con be put on the naughty list permanently?

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Review by daeun
15 Feb 2024
The game ends abruptly.

Review by IFforClassroom
23 Mar 2017
Interesting story. Not very interactive.

Review by Tom C.L.
27 Jun 2014
The game was good and my name is Tom, so that was very funny

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