Human Nature by SanSkeleton12

(Author's note: This is my very first episode so the choices that I created will be lacking a little bit as in the number of choices will have an average of two per decision. Also if you guys have an suggestions on what to do for the next episode, please leave a comment in the comments section but please keep it clean. I'm looking for suggestions, not insults. Thank you.)
Humans were always destined to destroy each other and the world is looking to balance out the human race. First there was the Resource War: A war where the Preservers-the faction that believes everyone should have a fair share of whatever's left of Earth's resources- and the Final Regiment-the faction that believes only the strong and working deserve to have the resources. Evenly matched, both factions managed to kill each other, leaving the people without a government and thus starting The Horror. An era that humans have embraced their animal instinct and are willing to kill each other for any share of the resources. After 6 months of trial by fire, the smoke cleared and only 30% of the populations remains and the ones that did survive either created or joined a pirate crew, a cult, or went solo. Quinncy Armen,Marc Armen, and Carissa Fern are one example of pirates-went-solo. They are both victims of the Horror, losing their families in the fire and leaving only them to defend each other and themselves. Play as Quinn or Carissa or Marc as they fight, climb, and talk their way through the streets of Los Angeles and survive.

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Review by daeun
15 Feb 2024
Sexy text font selection.
Can't believe this is just episode 1, it felt like I read an entire story already.

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