Doug's Amazing Adventure: a slice of interactive fiction featuring Haivercraft by Matt28

A detailed analysis of what it's like to be the drummer in Haivercraft.

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Review by Silver
02 Aug 2013
On the 28th of July 2012, in the womb-like confines of our oldest alehouse, a new institution was born atop a hill in Sterling town.

Let's get one thing clear. This game, as American people might say, sucks ass. Big time. You're prompted by the author to do things. How cool is it when a text adventure tells you the most simplest of actions leaving the old grey matter wishing it was watching an episode of grass growing in the garden instead?

So I played it differently. I decided to check if there was actually a band called Haivercraft and if there playing skills were any better than their adventure game writing ones. Turns out there is. And their music is a pub/ozzy/ac/dc hybrid which most definitely appeals to my inner 15 year old.

I would award the game one star. I would probably award the band two stars. Maybe three after four pints. I am, however, awarding them four stars for their marketing skills which obviously worked on me for some reason. Actually their music isn't all that terrible. But I do appreciate rock.

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