The Pursuit of Happiness by tru0024

"THE" professor was a man full sorrow, a head full emotions, thoughts, and an unimaginable amount of knowledge and creativity. He was a man filled of madness.
The professor having such a complex mind, had a tragic background story, which lead him to grow an excessive amount of anger.

The mad man having a brain of both lunatic and genius, had the ability to see the hidden beauty within the universe. However, the professor was deeply disappointed and confused as to why mankind had such broad and blunt minds that cannot, or haven't woken the ability to 'see'.

The professor decided to show humankind the unseeable, to explore the unexplored by inventing a heartless machine which would then hopefully brighten this world.
Years and years went past, and finally his piece of art was near completion.
The professor wanted to use this creation and expose it to the whole world.
He wanted mankind to 'wake up', to possess 'powers' (knowledge, sharp)
His creation was called "IT" as it had no beginning and ending to its life.
And the day the professor had completed IT......

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 10 Apr 2014

