On a quiet afternoon in Burdania you decided to sneak into the recording studio of the Burd.Life podcast in an attempt to see where your beloved podcasters make the magic happen. Mere seconds after sneaking into the room and closing the door behind you, you hear the voices of Cor, Storm, and Fleeks chatting outside of the room, having gathered for a surprise episode of Burd.Life! You have only minutes before they will come in and find you, and do who knows what to you! There must be some other way out of here!
(This is a game made for fans of a particular podcast at http://burd.life , but it is hopefully playable and fun for everyone!)
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Written by EclipseGryph
Plays 1169
Downloads 1215 Download file
Written for Quest 5.8
Published 18 Sep 2018
Updated 19 Sep 2018