Magical High School by cakeengland

Ever wanted to relive high school, but with magic? Your prayers have been answered... but this is only the start of your journey.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you comment, I would like to know which ending you got first- Paragon or Renegade! I am planning to make a series of these things based on the whole "paragon vs. renegade" idea as well as "magical high school" (or, well, in the renegade cases, just "magical world") but I would like to know the common endings just so I'm not making random things for the sake of making them- not that I don't enjoy that, but your opinion and experiences matter!

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Review by Hormus
20 Jul 2018
A bit short, but an excellent story! I got the Paragon Ending. That's gotta mean something good! Right?

Review by FantasyMage17
02 Feb 2017
I got Paragon. That's good, right?

Review by hannaivety
09 Jul 2016
a cute, short text-game! i like it! however, i was hoping that there was more but cliffhangers are fine. it just makes it more exciting.

also, i got the paragon ending!

Review by melody477
30 Apr 2016
I like it a lot. I got paragon. I hope you make another one that goes even longer.

Review by manam
09 Nov 2015
I loved the magic system, and the story is awsome. i got hospitalized for protecting people.

Review by zolo1261
02 Nov 2015
easy enough for a newbie (me), which i appresiate. i won the paragon way and then tried again and got the renegade way.

Review by Ghoul
01 Nov 2015
Pretty good, but rly short, hope to see part 2 soon

Review by LNPP
30 Oct 2015
It's pretty good,though it was pretty easy to get the endings. Also it's quite short,maybe you can make it a tad longer? I'm quite happy there are no text errors. Other than that it's a great game and I'm looking forward to the sequels.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 28 Oct 2015
Updated 29 Oct 2015





