Sam Fortune - Private Investigator by Steve Blanding

The IBS Radio Network presents... Sam Fortune - Private Investigator A transcribed drama filled with suspense and adventure broadcast weekly over this IBS affiliate. Tonight's drama: The Case of the Missing Playboy! Sponsored by Muskrat Cigarettes. NOTE This game is told in a series of scenes, just like a radio drama. Each scene is independent from the one before in the sense that it is impossible to put the game in an unwinnable state by not having done something in an earlier scene. There are several ways to lose this game and there are a few timed puzzles. Saving when advised should avoid undue frustration. UNDO is always an option. Feel free to use it liberally. Small parts of this game deliberately rank "Nasty" on the Zarfian scale but this is only true within each self-contained scene, not for the game at large, and a full in-game HELP system is available should you get stuck.
Information in this game listing is copyright Steve Blanding, Dave Chapeskie, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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Written by
Steve Blanding
External Link
Published 10 May 2009
Listing added 21 Jan 2014

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