[Game is being rewritten in updated Quest]
You're a gamer who's just gotten a strange new PC game in the mail. The instructions are weird; hook up a drive and put on a visor, then take control of a robotic guardian angel to save the world. However, the further you go in this game, the more it seems like it's not a game after all...
Spell system adjusted to prevent early use of magic. Miniboss battle is complete. *Do not use same spell more than 3x in a row. Causes a bug that I'm still trying to fix.* More rooms are now open on the first and second floors. Third floor is slowly being worked on.
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Written by AvecPardon
Plays 4382
Downloads 2289 Download file
Written for Quest 5.2
Published 10 Mar 2012
Updated 06 Oct 2016
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