Killer Syringe by Patrick Roberts

This game is aimed at an audience of 15+. You go around stbbing people with a syringe, knife and a gun. You also poison some people.

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Review by shadowstar
18 Nov 2005
this games is crap you should throw away your computer because you dont deserve it you moron!

Review by Anonymous
14 Jun 2005
Poor little Steve Gendron (author of Killer Syringe). Just make a second game that's better than this one. It won't be too hard really.

Review by Steve Gendron
13 Jun 2005
Obviously you can't read annihilator... I hate this game. Its crap crap crap. CRAP.

Review by Anonymous
16 May 2005
hahaha...we welcome Steve Gendron. Author of Killer Syringe.

Review by Steve Gendron
15 May 2005
This game sucks, I beat it on my first try. Needs more syringes! Steve the gaming guy is an idiot, this game is totally beatable. I hate this game, talk to Nick!!! for some ideas. LockedUP! rules!


Review by Steve Lingle
28 Oct 2004
Sorry. Demo or not... This game is similar to a load of random writing. The commands don't work which you are told to use. The spelling, as indicated several times in these reviews, is more than bad.

You can take the wallet and the key even though you can't see it before killing the old man.
In fact, you can take any object without killing the person who is holding it.

You cannot win even following the walkthrough...

Really consider re-writing this game.

Review by David Whyld
01 Jul 2004
A bad start to a bad game left me shaking my head in dismay. Bad spellings mar the game: poisen, corridoor, gaurds... Good grief, haven't people heard of spell checks? Or dictionaries? Or learning the English language before attempting to write a game?

I persevered a bit longer. I wish I hadn't bothered. In one room I was told "Bum and Hat are here". What - an actual bum as in someone's rear end? Or some beggar? Turns out it was a beggar. The game advises me to kill him for no other reason than he doesn't have a gun. Great morals there! Unfortunately I wasn't able to kill him as the "kill" command hasn't even been implemented.

This is the sort of "game" (for want of a better word) where you really have to wonder what was going through the writer's mind when he wrote it.

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Written for Quest 3.5
Added 28 Jun 2004





