Queen Dating Sim 1.0 by Kassyfox

You've just passed your audition and now you, John Deacon, are the bass player of Queen! It's pretty great, but you're not sure if your band members are really even into you. The Christmas party is a great opportunity to meet someone. The Valentine's Day formal is nice, and so is the New Year's bash...so all you have to do is strike up a friendship and get a date! But be careful about what you say...why would anyone date someone who's no fun to be around?

Version 1.0: The characters are still pretty shallow and the story isn't as long as I imagined it would be once I finished and did a real playthrough of it...but it's not bad for my first fully published game, huh?
Enjoy, and remember: if you want to see more, leave feedback!

See ya, Queenies (this game is fun for everybody tho)!

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21 Apr 2019
I thought it was FANTASTIC darlings. I got Roger as boy friend! Darlings this was a very good adventure! Loved it

Review by Tracey De santa
10 Nov 2017
I enjoyed a lot! Thank you for making this game! and sorry for my bad english^^

Review by Purplesfinx
29 Aug 2015
Wow, cool, Dear ! Although I failed, I enjoyed it ! Will play it again :) And what about like boy/girl relationships ? :3 It would be fantastic if you make more games ! <3

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 19 Aug 2015
Updated 01 Sep 2015





