The Dungeon of Drael by Link6415

The world is in trouble. Drael the Dragon has taken over. It is up to you to journey to his lair and defeat him. Can you survive THE DUNGEON OF DRAEL!

Notes about the Notes: I am currently working on a hardcopy of this game (with a box and such) and since you probably don't have the manual I'll just give you the most important facts. (stuff you need to know so I don't get a ton of people asking me how to beat the game).

*The slime's only weakness is the sword

*The statue's only weakness is the mattock (a mattock is a pickaxe)

*The Geela Wolf's only weakness is the orb (it gives off light)

*Everything else's weakness is the sword (except the dragon, whose weakness is secret)

*The loose brick is a lever that you will have to reach with the rope

Enjoy the game! It's my first. :)

No more 3 days. :( It wasn't working and it was too hard. Also i changed north of maze to north maze entrance. :)

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Review by Drainos
07 Apr 2014
So the first time I tried this I failed. And the second. And after failing about 7 times, I decided to map it out on a piece of paper as I went along. I think the game is impossible, because when you get to the North of Maze, you go south into the Entrance Chamber, and south again back into the North of Maze (which should be north entrance)
Maybe I am supposed to attack the Wolf or the Statue but I already tried that. If there's something I'm missing or not doing right please tell me and I'll try again :)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 07 Apr 2014
Updated 09 Apr 2014





