The Royalty: Amagical Horse University by Losersarenot alive in this realm

The Royalty: Amagical Horse University

The Royalty - Amagical Horse University
Amagical Horse University was a university for horses under the age of 50, which is 16 years old in real life.
If the horse has been here for 16 years, they're 50-years-old in age.

The horses 12 years old (as in if they were here for 12 years in human years, which would make the horses the age of 40 years old literally) to 16 years old (the age of 50 for horses) take care of the horses who've been here lesser than 12 years old. They learn how to do things.

The horses lesser than that live in the university, and they learn, too. They are cared for, looked after, and given Etiquette classes on acting in society.

The children aged 12 and under get taught how to do math, etc.

The teens get taught how to do chores, listen to others, etc., and how to have skills. Young adults and adults aged 30 and 18 get taught essential skills. I use the word ages because I no longer want to explain horse years.

Unique calculator:
Where I get my horses' ages.

It's not just a university game at all...

This doesn't occur in any My Little Pony story version, period.
Nor is it fanfic of it; it was just a made-up story. If the characters are in their style, it's because I used bases, and they have a lot of drawing bases made of them. They also look nicer to me, but if I find better-looking ones with matching poses, I'll use them.

This was made by Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and GOD, a.k.a. Jesus Christ.
It was posted on the date of 3/15/2021
Time: Around 8:07 PM

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Added 16 Mar 2021
Updated 07 Apr 2023





