Quest To Defeat Death (Demo Build 2) by Some_B0i

A game that is actually a sequel to an assignment that I was given at school.

In this game, you play as Fractured, a misunderstood character who is basically a clichéd hero; he's always the one to save the day, and when he needs a break, he never gets it. So basically, Fractured needs your help (and no, not with your mother's credit card). He needs you to help him fight the oppositions that come across him, including Death himself! He also needs your help to make the right decisions in order to reach his goal.

Sounds come from Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Sonic Advance series, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, listed in the order they play. (In order to hear the Super Mario Galaxy 2 sfx, you might want to up your volume).

Note1: There is no battle theme. I'm simply using the basic features that make up the complicated RPG system (I SWEAR THIS TOOK 15 PAGES JUST TO CREATE THE TRAINING BATTLE. I'M NOT EVEN JOKING.)

Note2: If you have played a version of this game before final release, you'll have to hit Restart to get the ending.

Update Log: This will be used for updates that occur within the game.

v0.3: Demo Build 1 released on 4/5/19.

v.04: Demo Build 2 released on 4/9/19. Demo now ends after completing the first scene, rather than the first turn of the first battle.
Super Mario Galaxy 2: Developed and published by Nintendo.
Sonic Advance 2: Developed by Dimps, presented by Sonic Team, and published by SEGA.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga: Developed by AlphaDream and Vanpool, published by Nintendo.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 05 Apr 2019
Updated 10 Apr 2019





