The Native American Werewolf in London: The Video Gmae (beta) by zhooker

You play as Squatting Cactus, a lowly trillionaire who must fight off the impending alien invasion with your ability to chew through or sit on anything.

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Review by GameofChocolate
24 Aug 2017
I laughed sooo hard. I killed Abdul by clicking "Open Abdul" he died, and the police came, and I lost the game. And I laughed and laughed and I just can't beat that. So I give it 5 stars and I quit. So done. I feel like I won the game. Awesome job.

Review by Lawrence Hillis
14 Dec 2015
This is the most amazing thing ever. it has everything. Action, Romance, Chair Opening, and Abdul. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT PLAYING IT RIGHT NOW?

Review by Rooting Story
03 Oct 2015
I found out Abdul was a woman,I did something very...strange,then established world peace in only 30 seconds.I also ate a telephone

Review by DelRio1991
30 Aug 2013
This game is still only in Beta and it's already better than Leisure Suit Larry, Sam & Max and Monkey Island combined.
The only reason it's a text based game is because, if someone gave this any graphics, their processor would explode from the sheer awesomeness of it. This is the game we will be telling our grandchildren about.

If you play only one text based game this spring, play this one. You won't regret it.

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Written for Quest 5.4
Added 30 Aug 2013
Updated 30 Aug 2013





