
This user has not published any games publicly yet.

Reviews by biospu

A meme game with a meme review

Review for Cannery Vale
03 Apr 2020
Great concept but the execution is simply too confusing. Every medium has a limit, and there comes a point where the creator simply adds too much for a text adventure.

Review for Dr. Science Mouth
03 Apr 2020
Numerous spelling mistakes and poor grammar in general made be quit early, in the little I did play the characters were weird and the dialogue was confusing . Even if I excuse the mistakes the story doesn't hold up, if you can't capture a reader's interest in the beginning then why should they read it at all?

03 Apr 2020
Perfect in every way

03 Apr 2020
The pacing is the biggest issue, the writing jumps between slow and methodical exploration, and fast paced action. Which in any other medium would be perfectly fine, but doesn't translate well in a text adventure. Overall the fast paced sections were the highlights and I found myself just getting bored in exploration portions.

Review for The Hospital
03 Apr 2020
No matter how creative your text adventure might be it's ultimately the writing that dictates the quality, and in many ways the writing could have been better.





