Jordan, I have to be frank with you here. After playing this game, I can almost guarantee that your parents don't love you. There is no way a child who has been loved and cared for from a young age could make such a godawful, insufferable game. Please delete your account.
I am not an or-FAN. My first goal was to try and find a less reprehensible set of orphan children (im not a fan of ugly kids), but it wouldn't let me toss them into a back alley. Next.
first, I tried to talk to "sketchy man". From my first instinct, he seemed like a fine fellow, a man of good taste, a man you could sit down and have a meal with. To my dismay, this game doesn't even let you speak to him. Just because he's a MAN in the middle of the WOODS, he's suddenly "SKETCHY". This is what rampant POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has done to this country. Back in my day, you could climb in sketchy man's VAN because MEN were the pillar of SOCIETY. Now all these PC WARRIORS and FEMINAZIs want me to meet with SKETCHY WOMAN. This is a disgusting affront to my societal views. Also, I couldn't eat the coffee. 1/5