Elite Tech

Reviews by Elite Tech

02 Apr 2016
A nice experience through and through, but not exactly Final Fantasy, but I won't hold the measuring stick up that high. Nice job, man.

Review for Tic-Tac-Toe
03 Jan 2016
I wouldn't be surprised if this was riped from some old PC tic-tac-toe game. This is an interesting little game and quite cool for that matter! This is a classic! Good job jatekos101.

03 Jan 2016
This game makes no sense, and I love it! It's just so funny and weird and random all at the same time. If you love short, random adventures this is a MUST PLAY!

26 Dec 2015
That was amazing! While my deductive reasoning was terrible, that didn't stop me from playing this masterpiece of storytelling and interesting gameplay!

