Super newbie question

Alright, so I just found this website today, and I was playing Whitefield Academy of Witchcraft: ... witchcraft
I saved the game, and came back later. But... how do you load your saved game? Is there a command for this?
Sorry, I searched around but didn't see any info on this. Also I should mention that I was logged in.

I went back and now it is giving me an option to resume my game. Huh, wierd. Well, sorry for the random post. But I swear that option was not there a second ago. It had just made me go back to the beginning of the game...

The online game is good but beware of the limitation that you can only save one "state" at a time, so if say you've made some fatal mistake before your last save, you have nothing to fall back on. So for big games, if possible go for the download.

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