Learn to code with Minecraft (yes, it's real)

So I found this cool video. Apparently Mojang made a code teaching thing of their own. It uses JavaScript. I might check it out myself. Maybe I can find a way to use it to find whatever code for "display this." in JavaScript. (like an HP bar...)



Maybe I can find a way to use it to find whatever code for "display this." in JavaScript.

It's pretty much the same as a script in Quest.

If you have a player object declared with a name attribute, you'd refer to it the same way Quest does:


To create the object:

var player = new Object();

To assign it a name:

player.name = "KV";

Alternatively, you could do:

var player = {
    "name": "KV"

...or you could add however many things you wanted:

var player = {
    "name": "KV",
    "alias": "Richard Headkid",
    "look": function(){
        if (this.hasXmsBeer){
            return "He has XanMag's beer!";
            return "He looks sad.";
    "hasXmsBeer": false

From there, if you put "The dude says his name is " + player.name + ".", the text displayed would be:

The dude says his name is KV.

Or, if you did player.look() when I didn't have XanMag's beer, it would print:

He looks sad.

Back in the day my kids were very much into Minecraft, and I looked at setting up our own server, which I could then write code for. Minecraft is (or was?) all in Java (not the same as JavaScript), which I used to know to some degree. Then they got bored of minecraft...

Sure! It is real. Many video I found in youtube can help. Thank you...

Back in the day my kids were very much into Minecraft

I'm longing for the day when my kids are old enough to play minecraft!

I never understood minecraft... even today... I still don't understand it... what it even is, what so special about it, and what it can do... lol... I've seen it... and I don't understand what's so special about it... nor its appeal... (programming and non-programming) sighs....

(HK continues to scratch his head in confusion and ignorance, not understanding minecraft at all)

the 3 main full-bore programming languages aren't too hard to learn... though if you get school text books (I can provide the names/links of the text books we've/I've used in the programming school classes I've taken, if interested in getting/using them) (or taking an actual school programming class, lol), it makes learning them much easier, than probably trying to do so on your own online (reading/studying the documentation and/or whatever else), unless there's some really good youtube videos or whatever help/guides on using/learning them:

  1. C++ (docs: http://www.cplusplus.com and https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/index.htm )

  2. Java ---- do NOT confuse this with JavaScript (JS) and vice versa (ya, annoyingly they both use 'java' for/in their names), as Java and JavaScript are very different, lol. Java is a full-bore programming language, whereas JS is just a scripting language --- (official doc: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/ and unofficial doc: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/index.htm ) (make sure it's the 'oracle' company, as they own the Java language, especially if/when you want to get/download java, you need to download the Java SE and maybe something else too - it's been a while for me - lol, as if it's not from 'oracle', it's probably a scam/virus)

  3. Python (official doc: https://www.python.org )

I can help learning them (their basic programming and features anyways) if anyone is interested...

there's also this free (but got to register/make-account/sign-in) site for learning to code (I think it's just scripting languages and/or just scripting/syntax, not sure if it tries to teach any of the full-bore programming languages): https://www.codecademy.com

Thanks for the links HK!!

forgot about the web languages...

html, css, JavaScript (JS), xml, etc etc etc


these use the same '<,>' tags like quest uses, along with quest being able to use JS and at least some html stuff

@hegemonkhan I used to play it for the survival elements. Now I play mostly on creative mode. Sometimes I challenge myself by playing on adventure mode or hard mode. I play on XBOX one.

As I saw on a minecraft ad lately, you explore, build things, and kill random monsters/mobs.

I ran a server with a friend called Dystopia.
I think it's still up although I haven't been online in months. I liked to build big stuff.

+CheeseMyBaby That's cool!

+CheeseMyBaby That's cool!

Big builds are fun =)

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