I uploaded the start of a game which plays fine on computer. Half way thru the intro it loses the background and goes full screen with the page panes. Then the command line has a plus on it and this is where the right panes are...
The game files are here ...REMOVED LINK
What a hoot!
@KV I hadn't tried the old version I sent you so who knows where the bug lies.
You have 3 pull requests.
The first fixes the issue with the sound.
The second knocks out the error concerning a uiEvent()
The third knocks out an error which was caused by some code written by me.
The game worked for me in both of my browsers and in the desktop version before these fixes, by the way. I had to open the HTML tools to see that those 2 errors were being thrown.
Surly you don't think that is what the game should look like. lol. I use Chrome for running the game. I do not get your result at all. The game loads properly, then half way thru the intro the whole screen turns tan. I have seen your result before when my graphics were too large. I uploaded the fixed version to Quest. it plays the sound but still runs funny.
It is a case of doing stuff way over my head and patching together good scripts.
I should call the game 'Frankenstein'! It's aliiiive! Ugly, but aliiiive!
I played it several more times and did get your result... I keep thinking I'm asking Quest to do do much...
Weird glitch! It looked like the computer doesn't know where to place everything! Maybe it's a scrolling error? Did you try putting the animations in the text?
I see the same as KV with Firefox on Win7 and Chrome on Win10. You need to do something about the status bar at the top, but otherwise looks fine.