How do **YOU** say Pizza!?

I don’t know why I’m doing this, but in a recent post “Name for my Game?”. Suddenly a discussion about how Pizza is pronounced started.

So I went ahead and made this Post....(I regret all my actions) I think it would be a good idea to know the different ways people pronounce ‘Pizza’.

Who knows, I might even make it to the front page!

Stupid News

Man makes politicians nervous! How do YOU say Pizza!?


I pronounce it correctly:

 \ ˈpēt-sə \

For the Hooked on Phonics graduates, that's:



as a Londoner I say Peet-zuh - (when they were a new thing many years ago) my Mum used to call them pizzers.

I pronounce it “yum”.


I think I'd probably go with peet-zuh. But having noticed just how weird the pronunciation is, I occasionally irritate my housemates by pronouncing it like pizzazz without the final 'z'.

Being Swedish I pronounce it Pi-Tza with the empasis on the short i. (Like the word "pit".)

When it comes to the english pronunciation I'm with both K.V and XanMag.

I personally used pronounce it as ‘PEEESA’, but recently I changed to ‘PEETSA’ cause I like the ring of it!


I often pronounce it like this:


When inspecting the pizza topping on a certain pizza in a certain game no way near finished:

Hungrily you study the pizza slice. It took you a long long time to be able to think up what kind of toppings would work best to balance the taste without making it too much. The result: tomato sauce, cheese (cheddar), cheese (mozarella), cheese (parmesan), cheese (gorgonzola), avocado, onion, garlic, shrimp, mushroom, pineapple, meat (pig), meat (ox) and béarnaise sauce.

Showing it to give a hint of my personal pizza preference since K.V. was kind enough to share his. :)

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