Adding clothing

The Pixie
A very simple module that builds wearable items into the game. To use, have garments inherit from "clothing_type". They will be set to be takeable, and when worn will appear in the inventory with "(being worn)" appended to the name. Check the attribute "being_worn" to determine if the item is being worn in a script.

This is up for people to try out and comment on. I have tried to make it easy for language support, but I am not sure what you do aboyt the commands themselves. It includes a very simple example (one room, two objects). See what you think.

This is nice.

The Pixie
I have slightly modified Clothing_lib, and replaced the existing file (so the download in the OP is the recent version, 1.1). There seems to be a problem with how templates are handled when used with square brackets, so I have changed the code to call the Template function directly (this makes it easy to change responses, say if translating to another language). Should have no effect on existing games.

I noticed a bug in the wearables thing. Not a big deal but, if I wanted something already worn when the game starts, I'd just set the attribute is_worn to true, right? I tried that and it wouldnt show the objects as worn in the inventory window, but yet I could remove them, and it would say I removed something, but wouldnt say the name of the object. Just a small bug, or maybe an error on my part, I'm not sure.

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