I don't know about this thread's posted code, but you can move your player to an unconnected (no exit usage) room, as quest does not care if the room has exits or not:
MoveObject (player, your_desired_destination_room)
player.parent = your_desired_destination_room
see my 'explore and travel' code (though it's quest v540, so it may not work if you're using v550), but you can at least look at it (though it's a bit advanced for a newbie to coding, as it uses lists and dictionaries):
<asl version="540">
<include ref="English.aslx" />
<include ref="Core.aslx" />
<game name="Testing Game Stuff">
<turns type="int">0</turns>
<statusattributes type="simplestringdictionary">turns=</statusattributes>
<start type="script">
msg ("Important Note:")
msg ("Type in: help")
<object name="homeland">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="player">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<inherit name="editor_player" />
<object name="grassland">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="plains">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="desert">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="tundra">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="swampland">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="mountains">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="forest">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="wasteland">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="coastland">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<object name="hills">
<inherit name="editor_room" />
<command name="help_command">
<command name="explore_command">
<command name="travel_command">
<object name="data_object">
<inherit name="editor_object" />
<travel_string_list type="simplestringlist">homeland</travel_string_list>
<homeland_events_string_list type="simplestringlist">grassland_discovery;plains_discovery;desert_discovery;tundra_discovery;swampland_discovery;forest_discovery;mountains_discovery;hills_discovery;wasteland_discovery;coastland_discovery</homeland_events_string_list>
<homeland_events_script_dictionary type="scriptdictionary">
<item key="grassland_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "grassland")
msg ("You've discovered the grassland! Now, you can travel to the grassland and explore it!")
<item key="plains_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "plains")
msg ("You've discovered the plains! Now, you can travel to the plains and explore it!")
<item key="desert_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "desert")
msg ("You've discovered the desert! Now, you can travel to the desert and explore it!")
<item key="tundra_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "tundra")
msg ("You've discovered the tundra! Now, you can travel to the tundra and explore it!")
<item key="swampland_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "swampland")
msg ("You've discovered the swampland! Now, you can travel to the swampland and explore it!")
<item key="forest_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "forest")
msg ("You've discovered the forest! Now, you can travel to the forest and explore it!")
<item key="mountains_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "mountains")
msg ("You've discovered the mountains! Now, you can travel to the mountains and explore it!")
<item key="hills_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "hills")
msg ("You've discovered the hills! Now, you can travel to the hills and explore it!")
<item key="wasteland_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "wasteland")
msg ("You've discovered the wasteland! Now, you can travel to the wasteland and explore it!")
<item key="coastland_discovery">
list add (data_object.travel_string_list, "coastland")
msg ("You've discovered the coastland! Now, you can travel to the coastland and explore it!")
<turnscript name="global_turnscript">
<enabled />
game.turns = game.turns + 1
<function name="help_function">
msg ("Type 'explore' to explore your area.")
msg ("Type 'travel' to travel to different areas.")
<function name="explore_function"><![CDATA[
switch (game.pov.parent) {
case (homeland) {
result_1 = ListCount (data_object.homeland_events_string_list) - 1
if (result_1 >= 0) {
result_2 = StringListItem (data_object.homeland_events_string_list,GetRandomInt(0,result_1))
invoke (ScriptDictionaryItem (data_object.homeland_events_script_dictionary,result_2))
on ready {
foreach (item_x, split ("grassland_discovery;plains_discovery;desert_discovery;tundra_discovery;swampland_discovery;forest_discovery;mountains_discovery;hills_discovery;wasteland_discovery;coastland_discovery",";")) {
if (result_2 = item_x) {
list remove (data_object.homeland_events_string_list, result_2)
} else {
msg ("There seemingly is nothing left to explore in this area.")
<function name="travel_function">
show menu ("Where do you wish to travel?",data_object.travel_string_list,false) {
if (not game.pov.parent = GetObject (result)) {
game.pov.parent = GetObject (result)
} else {
msg ("You are already at this area.")
ask ("Try again?") {
if (result=true) {
} else {
msg ("You realize that you need to discover a new area to travel to first, before you can travel to that place.")