How to ask the player a yes or no question

I need help with my code
Ask ("Are you sure you want to enter bottomless pit?") {
if (result = No) {
MoveObject (player, House)
else {
MakeObjectInvisible (Bottomless Pit)
For some reason i cant get the response to work with a No answer.

Ask converts the result to a boolean value; true or false.

The normal way to write something like that would be:

Ask ("Are you sure you want to enter bottomless pit?") {
  if (result) {
    MakeObjectInvisible (Bottomless Pit)
  else {
    MoveObject (player, House)

but if you really want to put the code for the 'No' option first, it would be:

Ask ("Are you sure you want to enter bottomless pit?") {
  if (not result) {
    MoveObject (player, House)
  else {
    MakeObjectInvisible (Bottomless Pit)

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