Simple flag cheat-codes to use while creating/testing your game.

I'd started with an object I could pick up and drop which would assign me all flags, but that eventually turned out not good nough.

So I've graduated to creating two quickie commands:


        msg ("Which flag?")
        get input {
             set (player, result, true)
             msg (result + " on")

And deflagme:

        msg ("Which flag?")
        get input {
             set (player, result, true)
             msg (result + " on")

Maybe they're so rudimentary that you've all already created something like for yourselves. But I find it super helpful to be able to quickly set or unset a flag in play mode so I can see if what I just created actually works without having to "really play" the part that flags me first.

Here's hoping this also helps another newbie!

Unless I am missing something, should the last 2 lines of your deflagme code be...
set (player, result, false)
msg (result + " off")

Doh! You're right. I guess instead of copying the second code over, I accidentally pasted the first one twice.

Good catch.

